Student Registration

Welcome to the Tabernacle Community!

If you have just moved into the area or your child has reached school age, we take this opportunity to welcome you to the Tabernacle School District. All of the information and forms you will need to enroll your children in school can be found by clicking on the links below.

If you have any questions regarding registration, please contact Kim Brown, District Registrar, at 609-268-0153 Ext. 2000 or by email at [email protected]

We look forward to providing your children with a safe and positive educational experience.

Please use the following link to begin the pre-registration process.
Pre-registration - is the submission of information to the district which includes providing 4 proofs of residency and your child’s original birth certificate. Registration is the step taken upon enrollment into the district. 
Registration - happens after pre-registration and is typically done by appointment with the registrar.

If you are unable to access online pre-registartion, please use the following documents and contact the regisitrar.